Chunjiang plumbing “machine” prophet. Every move of the economic pulse is recorded under every shovel of the excavator.

Recently, the “CCTV Finance Excavator Index” jointly created by CCTV Finance, Sany Heavy Industry and Shugen Interconnection released the 2021 annual data. Data show that my country continues to increase infrastructure construction, injecting strong impetus into social and economic development, and the cumulative workload of various types of construction machinery and equipment has increased by 20.12% year-on-year.

In-depth data mining, at a larger scale, can provide a glimpse into the surging development momentum of China’s economy. For a single enterprise, the analysis of more refined data can also become a new productivity for the enterprise.

01The economic “barometer” in big data

Excavators are the “standard” of infrastructure construction, and a weather vane that reflects economic changes such as infrastructure construction and observation of fixed asset investment. Looking at the economy from mechanical data, we can see which regions are the most “hot” for foreign trade engineering construction.

Judging from the provincial rankings, in 2021, the Yangtze River Economic Belt will become the hottest area for engineering construction, export trade, and road construction; the Silk Road Economic Belt will become the hottest area for import trade.

As a hoisting equipment, the truck crane is mainly responsible for all kinds of hoisting and lifting work in the later stage of the project. In 2021, with a year-on-year increase of 12.8% in the cumulative average workload, truck cranes will be ranked TOP1 in the annual ranking of construction machinery. This shows that the new round of infrastructure construction in various parts of my country is concentrated in the final stage of completion.

It is worth noting that among the 31 provinces included in the sample statistics, 28 achieved positive growth. Among them, Hubei, Xinjiang, Jilin, Anhui, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Ningxia and other provinces achieved double-digit growth.

The “Excavator Index” also shows that the cumulative average workload of Anhui paver increased by 15.7% year-on-year, ranking second in the country, second only to Hubei; the cumulative average workload of road rollers increased year-on-year to the first in the country. Zhejiang is actively preparing for the Asian Games. In Xinjiang, in 2021, a total of 69.05 billion yuan of fixed asset investment in transportation will be completed, exceeding 15% of the annual plan of 60 billion yuan, and the traffic conditions of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will be improved in an all-round way.

Reach stacker is a kind of lifting equipment for loading and unloading containers. It is usually used in port terminals and is closely related to import and export trade.

The CCTV Finance Excavator Index shows that among the top 10 provinces with a year-on-year increase in the cumulative average workload (hours) of reach stackers in 2021, there are 8 inland provinces, 3 of which are located in the northwest region. The eight provinces are Qinghai (49.10%), Chongqing, Heilongjiang, Shanxi, Sichuan, Ningxia, Gansu, Hubei, etc. This shows that the inland has become the frontier of foreign trade.

Judging from the year-on-year increase in the cumulative average workload of construction machinery in various provinces in 2021, Hubei has achieved excellent results in the 12 TOP10 lists, and won the “National No. 1” ranking for excavators, pump trucks, truck cranes, pavers, and stackers one”. After the epidemic prevention and control, Hubei’s economy has developed rapidly.

In 2021, judging from the year-on-year increase in the cumulative average workload of various construction machinery and equipment, Hainan ranks first in the country with an increase of 19.3% in the list of crawler cranes.

Since the flood in Henan in late July, excavators have played an important role in the rescue period and in the aftermath of the construction work, becoming a powerful tool for excavating drainage channels and building flood control dams. During the period from July to August, the operating rate of excavators in Henan Province has always maintained a high level of more than 70%.